3 Tips To Know If A Girl Is Interested
Take it from the ORIGINAL dating coach — you DON’T need any “pickup lines” or canned material to EFFORTLESSLY attract any woman you want. Watch this free video now to learn what the “pickup artists” & “seduction gurus” don’t want you to know…
Today’s video is all about how to know if a girl is interested in you. Before I tell you about these tips, I want to talk bout the importance of understanding attraction. I think a lot of men just don’t understand attraction. A lot of men get thrown in the friend zone often and then develop these heavy questions on women. The woman wasn’t even attracted to him in the first place.
A lot of men ask for phone numbers of wome,n when the woman wasn’t even interested in the first place. In order to connect to a woman, you need to connect to her emotions. You need to inspire, you need to make her feel good. You need to be present in the conversation.
A lot of women are just being friendly when you walk over there and approach them. I mean, think about it. They’re women. They know it’s tough for you to walk over there and talk. So they’re just being friendly and nice. If you’re small talking for 30 seconds to a minute and you haven’t found out anything personal about the woman you’re talking to, then you ask for her phone number, there is a great chance that you’re going to end up in the ditch zone.
You know what the ditch zone, or the delete zone is? The delete zone is that your phone number is going to be deleted right away. Your text messages will be deleted right away. You see, when you’re talking to someone, it’s important to get past that opener. I put this on all of my programs as well. Because the opener is something that literally leaves you in either openerville, friendzoneville, or deleteville.
You need to know how inspired does she feel when she is with you. How inspired does she feel?
When you go over and talk to somebody you want to get to know who they are, get to know what they’re all about. When I’m talking to somebody for the very first time, I’m interested in who they are as a person. I’m curious about them. You have to get past the opener as quickly as possible and try connect to anything that she’s saying to go deeper in the conversation. You should enjoy having conversations, because women do too.
A lot of guys just small talk her to death. She gets bored. She gets distracted. She’s no longer interested in you. And if she ever was interested in you, she’s not going to show it, because the fact is you bored her to death by your conversation. That’s why I put out my coaching programs, to teach you how to be a better communicator. To teach you how to understand the art of communication.
One of the exercises I tell guys to do is to go out and communicate with people all day long. Learn how to be a great communicator. Learn how to listen. So today’s video goes through three tips to know if a girl is interested.You can live by this. You can make it your Interested Bible. You can watch this video, send it off to your friends, and tell them to watch it as well.
Knowing these three tips is going to enable you to become much better at meeting women. And when you’re better at this, you’re going to feel better, you’re going to relate to people better. More importantly, you’re going to start to feel better about yourself.
Alright, check out today’s video.
Take it from the ORIGINAL dating coach — you DON’T need any “pickup lines” or canned material to EFFORTLESSLY attract any woman you want. Watch this free video now to learn what the “pickup artists” & “seduction gurus” don’t want you to know…
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