The SOLUTION to Becoming "That Guy"...

Who Is Able to Approach, Meet And Attract The Most Amazing Women — And ALWAYS Seem To "Just Know" Exactly What To Say And Do In Every Situation...

As Seen On:


This is a Message For Every Guy Who's Ever Felt:

Nervous about how to approach or what to say to a woman...

...Or spent any time not feeling confident about how to understand and connect with women...

Listen: I say A LOT about my life between the ages of 22 and 32.

It is unlike ANY other time in your life — and can have more highs and lows all at the same time than practically any other time in your life...

...but it is also the time when your life can change more significantly than almost any other time of your life.

You probably think that by now you would have it all figured out and would be able to be out there having the best time ever — meeting the women you want, having a blast and living the life YOU want...

But it's just not like that for a lot of guys... in fact it's not like that for MOST guys.

For MOST guys, it's more like:

  • Still feeling like you don't totally "get" women... but wanting more than ever to finally be able to feel confident and comfortable about interacting with them.
  • Feeling nervous about how to approach women without anxiety, and without always having to "psych yourself up" to do it
  • Always feeling like you have to think up the "perfect thing" to say, or sometimes not having any clue what to say to women you want to approach
  • Trying to figure out what YOU really want in terms of your relationships with women
  • Wondering how women really think and what they really want — and tired of always worrying about what they are thinking about you
  • Wanting to know how to really CONNECT with women, not just 'pick them up'  — and how to feel confident doing so
  • Wanting to feel great in your own skin... and wanting to stop feeling insecure about walking into any room, anywhere, anytime
  • Wanting to stop being on the sidelines of your life as your figuring all this out — and letting great times and great women pass you by while you are.
  • You see a lot of your friends getting married, and you start to feel all alone and a bit desperate... the last thing you want is to end up with the wrong woman for you!
  • Wondering why approaching, meeting and connecting with women has to be so HARD and feel like SO MUCH WORK

And WORST Of All:

  • Wanting to GET RID OF all feelings of overwhelm and stress you feel about not feeling confident enough to do everything you want to do in your life (and NEVER AGAIN feeling that horrible feeling of regret that comes with letting great women and great opportunities to enjoy your life to the fullest pass you by!))

Why can this time be so overwhelming?  Well I call this time between the ages of 22-32 your "adult adolescence" for good reason.

I call it the "adult adolescence" phase of life, because that is when you go out in the world and really get your rear end kicked in every way! Seriously...

THIS is the Stage In Your Life When You REALLY Start to Figure Out Exactly What You Want and Who You Are as a Man.

  • You're starting to figure what you want in terms of your career.
  • You're starting to figure out what type of woman you really want to attract.
  • You go out on dates, and you start to really learn who you are.
  • You meet and interact with all sorts of people, and start to learn how to communicate effectively
  • You begin to really discern where your interests truly lie, and what kind of lifestyle you want to have

This is a Critical Time In Your Life In Terms of Your Personal Growth & Your Ability to Communicate

That's why I created a special Men's Mastery Series that is just for this age range, because I realized that you need a unique program for this unique phase of your life.


Just $169.97 for a Limited Time!

You Can Learn NOW What Took Me Years To Figure Out:

IMAGINE what life would be like during these years if all of this was your "every day" — if you could spend these years...

  • Learning and embracing how to meet and connect with women
  • Experience each thing as it happens, and accepting yourself when you are having bad days
  • Knowing how to grow every day, so that you become the confident and powerful man you are meant to become.
  • Knowing and enjoying being able to connect with any woman you meet — and with all the people in your life and your career.
  • Designing the life you want instead of hoping a good life will happen for you — which means you will have NO LIMITS in your life.

That's what you really want, isn't it?

Well, if you're anything like the thousand plus guys I've personally coached over the last decade, the answer is an unequivocal "yes!" And that's exactly what you're going to learn how to do, RIGHT NOW...

I created my Men's Mastery Series for ONE reason: To give guys like you a complete, step-by-step foundation in virtually everything I teach. This is all the stuff you simply MUST understand (and live by) if you want genuine, lasting success with women.

In essence, I put together 20+ hours of my most POWERFUL, LIFE-CHANGING audio content so you can discover the single best way to do ALL of the following:

  • How to meet the kind of women that make your knees buckle — naturally and effortlessly — in the flow of you're regular, everyday life...
  • The secrets to striking up fun, fearless conversations that excite you — and the women you talk to— while being yourself the entire time. No gimmicks, no fake stuff — just your own authentic personality...
  • Why there's never a need to copycat somebody else's style or dress in clothes you hate. I'll show you how to tap into your own unique personal image and style — and then how to showcase it for maximum impact (this is what women really want you to do — not wear a bunch of "flashy" or expensive clothes that make you uncomfortable. And, best of all, this is what they're most attracted to on a gut level)...
  • Foolproof ways to go from initial conversations... to phone numbers... to dates — quick, easy, fun, sexually-charged dates — no matter what your dating history or budget...
  • What women really want in the bedroom — including how they want you to lead them into the bedroom (because women LOVE to be seduced!) Remember: I've talked to literally thousands of women over the years about what they want sexually — I even ran a radio show called "Fantasy Man" where women revealed their deepest, most guarded fantasies to me. And I'm about to teach you the essence of everything I've learned in this area...
  • And much, much more...

Here's Just a Small Taste of What You'll Discover Inside:


Just $169.97 for a Limited Time!


Take 60 Days — yep, 2 full months — to implement the strategies and techniques in Men's Mastery Series, and if after implementing them* you aren't getting MORE dates in 60 days than you got in the last year, I'll refund every red cent you paid for this product.

Yes, I do mean MORE dates in just 2 months than you've had in the entire year before... and that's what I'm 100% confident you will experience this once you utilize the techniques I teach you!

This a WHOPPER of a Guarantee ... but I'm really THAT confident in Men's Mastery Series!

*Because this is an "action-based" guarantee, to request a refund simply send me an email telling me which technique(s) you implemented and describe what happened that left you unsatisfied. I do this simply to protect myself from the 1% of you out there who are dishonest and are trying to scam me. For the rest of you, trust me, once you go through this product and change your life, the only thing you'll be thinking about is why you didn't find this sooner...

Why I'm 100% Certain This Will Work For You:

  • Because it's the distillation of all the most powerful things I've learned in nearly a DECADE of coaching real guys out in the real world. No theory, no guesswork — I've included ONLY the tips, strategies and advice I've found to work for myself and my clients...
  • Because I'm not a talking head that "puts on a show" in bars and clubs... I'm a regular, professional MATURE MAN who's discovered how to be myself, and attract beautiful women without compromising my lifestyle in any way...
  • Because it's really all about lifestyle, isn't it? The second you compromise your lifestyle in order to chase women, you become unhappy — and repulsive to women. Ironic, isn't it? (But there IS a way to make changes in your life — changes that will make YOU happy — and then attract women like never before... That's exactly what I've learned and it's one of the many things you'll discover in my Men's Mastery Series)...
  • Because I'll NEVER hide anything from you, EVER — just look at the evidence: No silly nicknames... my face is all over my website and YouTube... my entire life is an open book (read my blog and newsletters and you'll see how true this is)... Heck, I've even allowed some students to live with me during their trainings. See if you can find any other gurus who are this open, inviting and honest about their personal lives...
  • Finally, because I'm the ONLY dating coach who women trust enough to coach them. Why is that so important? Because it shows that I not only understand women on a deep level, but also because it shows that I'm not teaching anything that women find to be shady, unethical or undesirable in any way. My stuff is never about manipulating women — and always about naturally being the kind of guy they dream of at night...

PLUS: Fast Action-Takers Will Also Get Access to THESE VIP Bonuses:


Secrets of Online Seduction

$29.97 Value

It's one thing to meet women online — which I cover in the Men's Mastery Series— but it's another thing to be able to quickly get physical with the women you meet.

In this audio clip, I walk you through a variety of powerful techniques, including... How to spot women who are ready for quick flings... How to get her on the phone as quickly as possible... The best way to transition into dirty talk and fantasy — which is the secret to getting her so aroused, she'll literally be dying to meet you... How to get her to come over to your place... and so much more.


Don't Be A Slave To Your Dick

$24.97 Value

Don't be a slave to your dick!  Too many men are slaves to their dick.  They think with their dick. They act with their dick.  As a result, their dick keeps getting them into trouble.

Women are not groin-operated creatures.  Women think with their heads.  Women think with their emotions.  Women feel emotions.

When you emotionally connect with a woman's mind, she will CRAVE your body.  It is all about creating powerful sexual attraction so sex is awesome and amazing!

Men are very raw when it comes down to sexual thoughts.  The problem with this, is that it gets you into trouble every single time!  This audio is going to expose the myths and reality of sex.

I'm going to show you EXACTLY how to be a free-thinking man . . . a man to whom women are attracted and a man whose dick women will crave!  Wouldn't you rather have women crave your dick instead of continuing to think with your dick?

I am also going to teach you how to get women to not only pursue your dick, but to want it all the time.  You are also going to learn how by doing what I teach you in this audio, women will want you sexually, emotionally . . . and in every other way.  Finally, in this audio I am going to show you all the secrets to turning on a woman's mind so that she will go crazy when she sees your dick.


How to Create Exciting, Lasting Relationships With Girls, Overnight

$39.97 Value

With the skills you gain from the Men’s Mastery Series, you’ll undoubtedly have the option of entering into relationships with girls. But this is where it gets tricky — and where most guys fall short.

That’s why, in this session, I sit down with a well-known relationship therapist to uncover many of the key reasons why relationships fail… why the guy or the girl nearly always lose attraction for each other… how to keep YOUR from disintegrating (so that you always end them when YOU want)… great ways to keep the fire burning, so there’s always an abundance of passion and chemistry between you… good dates to go on, once you’re in a relationship… how to always keep the lines of communication open (and talk about things before they turn into downward spiraling argument)… and so much more.


Walk Away… So She Chases You!

$24.97 Value

One of my favorite ways to attract girls — right off the bat — is to approach them, start a conversation and then walk away after a few minutes. No you don’t want to do this all the time — it would be silly to walk away from the most amazing, most connected conversation of your life.

But the point is that there are times when it’s best to open a girls, be friendly and then move on to what you were doing — or go talk to someone else.

Why do this? Because girls LOVE it! It shows them that you’re not the “suffocating” type of guy… you’re not needy — just a fun, friendly guy… and because this gives girls the opportunity to pursue you, which they love. I’ll tell you exactly how to make this work — at the supermarket… the club… or the next friends’ party you find yourself at!


Bring Her Back to the Magic Moment

$24.97 Value

Girls love romance, and they want to feel like they’ve shared a special moment with you. That’s what this audio is all about. Once you’ve created that initial magic moment (what you’ll learn how to do in the Men’s Mastery Series), this shows you how exactly how to bring her back to that moment, rekindling all the wonderful emotions she experienced.

Remember, this is NOT manipulation — it’s what girls desperately want you to do. It’s what creates that feeling of emotional attachment that they so long for. I’ll walk you through this process — and how to make it work from day one… all throughout your future encounters with this girl!


Confessions From A Bootcamp Handbook

$49.97 Value

Bottom line: This is an extensive TWO AND A HALF HOUR audio session where every single person asks me questions about success with girls and dating. And about becoming a naturally confident MAN.

You learn and discover much of what happens during the whole entire boot $2500 camp!

Granted, all of this is covered in the 50-page bonus handout (transcriptions of this lengthy session) – but there’s something magical about actually hearing it. It’s almost like you get to sneak behind the scenes and “sit in” during one of my $2500 live coaching events… learn what the attendees learned… ask the kinds of questions they asked… and, in some cases, experience the very same breakthroughs and “aha’s” they experienced!


10 Day FREE Trial of the Slight Edge Society


Members of The Slight Edge Society get a ton of amazing bonuses:

Weekly Audio/Video Content

Every week, I will introduce you to my personal network of leaders in all fields, from love to wealth to health. I've spent the last 20 years working in the personal development industry and my contacts are like a who’s who in all of the above — and I am going to give you access to the people you've always wanted to meet and learn from but were never able to connect with.

Here's just a taste of what I'll expose you to:

  • Health tips to live a longer life
  • Cutting-edge business strategies that enable you to increase your income
  • Wealth-building strategies
  • Dating & relationship advice that will help you on the path for love
  • Techniques for expanding your network to become a leader and a social magnet
  • Secrets from world leaders on how to manifest the life you desire

Monthly Product Downloads

I have thousands — literally thousands — of unreleased products that Slight Edge Society members will get EXCLUSIVE access to each month.

That's right. A free product every month that will give you the chance to expand on what you've learned in the monthly webcasts and video modules and put techniques into practice that will accelerate your personal growth in these areas.

10% OFF ALL Coaching Programs & Bootcamps

Slight Edge Society members also get 10% off ALL coaching programs that I offer. That includes:

  • Hourly Phone Coaching
  • Email Coaching Packets
  • One-on-One Weekend Coaching
  • Intensive Monthly Coaching
  • Weekend Bootcamps
  • Personalized Date Evaluations

...and ANY other coaching program I offer on my website!

With this free bonus, you will be receiving a 10 day free trial to The Slight Edge Society, where you will receive exclusive members-only videos, downloads, and webcast coaching sessions. You can cancel at anytime through our 24-Hour Help Desk. If you decide you want to continue as a subscriber, you will be billed $49.95 every month and continue to receive these AMAZING, exclusive bonuses each month.

This bonus is completely optional and you'll be able to "accept" or "deny" it on the checkout page.

Here's Everything You'll Get When You Take Action RIGHT NOW:


All 15 Volumes & 20+ Hours of Men's Mastery Series

$2,700 Value


Secrets of Online Seduction

$29.97 Value


Don't Be A Slave To Your Dick

$24.97 Value


How to Create Exciting, Lasting Relationships With Girls, Overnight

$39.97 Value


Walk Away… So She Chases You!

$24.97 Value


Bring Her Back to That Magic Moment

$24.97 Value


Confessions From A Bootcamp Handbook

$49.97 Value




Just $169.97 for a Limited Time!

High Praise for Men's Mastery Series From Guys Like You:

David's Men's Mastery Dating Series has helped me a lot, not only in my dating life but to improve my whole life in general. I am more confident at my work and in social life. Mindset he teaches you can get you success in all aspect of life and make you more confident Man.

Best thing about his product is he gives you exercise to do and if you do that exercises you will guaranteed make improvement. Action brings you the results and David motivate you to take right action.

Everything David teaches is come from his life experience that's why his word are very powerful and effective. I still listen to his Men's Mastery Series and still learn new thing every time.

Sunny K.
Leicester, England

I want to thank you for all the great help you are giving to guys all over. You really helped me more than I could've ever imagined. I used to be extremely shy, awkward around girls, and barely dated throughout university so I had pretty much 0 experience with girls until I started listening to your great stuff and applying it.

I am 24 now, and after buying your Men's Mastery Dating Series, I met this amazing girl, who I've been dating for 3 months, and it would have not been possible without your help. I've checked out some of the PUA stuff, but it just doesn't resonate with me...your ideology keeps it real, has a real human touch to it and teaches you how to be a better person overall, not a robot.

Alex P.
Raleigh, North Carolina

Your Men's Mastery Dating Series is absolutely AMAZING and so motivational! Within a couple of days of listening to it I went out on the weekend and approached over 15 girls and got 5 phone numbers (everyone I got I asked for) and one was from the hottest girl in the entire club! She's been texting me right now! Last night I was on the phone with another amazingly beautiful woman. I'm 25 by the way.

David, I started off at 19 listening to Double Your Dating by David DeAngelo and your approach is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better! There is no manipulation and it is all-natural! I can't even explain how strange this seems to me because I used to get rejected constantly (90% rate) and women were rude to me. It's only been ONE WEEK since I listened and am STILL listening to your master series and ALREADY I have 10 numbers and most of them are beautiful women! I only went out one night! LOL! Today a co-worker girl asked me if I had a older brother like me she could date!!!!!!!!!!!

There were sticking points or pitfalls I had in my thought patterns and approaches. The first sticking point I realized from listening to your cds was that I was too focused on getting the number that I thought I could make a connection AFTER they gave me their number through phone or text, etc. What ended up happening with that approach was they usually said they had a boyfriend or gave me their number and ignored me when I started texting them. Your coaching is simply amazing! I can't believe how just tweaking that one thing around has led me to wher I am now in one week. I try to make connections now; I am more interested in them as a person and it is much more fulfilling. They respond much, much, much better!

I'm going to listen to your Men's Mastery Dating Series over and over and over and over until I understand completely every single thing you teach in them! Today I had a self-conscious day and I started to beat myself up but when I got home and went out to the gym I put in my mp3 and started listening to your mastery series and instantly I was motivated again to talk to everyone! You series is better than drugs; better than sex for me right now! I started talking to the gym owner and got free tickets to a concert!!!!!!

All this in one week. ONE WEEK!

Can't express how much I respect what you teach and how powerful your words are. I'm skeptical no more, man. You are the shit! I'd love to tell you what happens next because I have a lot of work to do yet!

Brice W.
Avon, Ohio

Hey David, I heard about you through David D . . . I felt more of a connection with your teachings about healthy relationships and being a natural. Since then I have bought your Men's Mastery Series and phone coaching. I would like to tell you, out of all the dating gurus I respect you the most. You have honestly helped me so much within a few short years!

Through that journey I have noticed that no other coach talks about health and how it's a huge part of inner confidence and decreasing anxiety. With your Men's Mastery Series and coaching, I'm on my way to marrying an amazing women. (That's Tanner and his woman pictured above).

Tanner S.
West Valley City, UT

Since sending you my last email I have been on 4 different dates!!! I don't think I had that many dates all of last year...

I also have also been using the techniques you teach in the Men's Mastery Series and now TWO women are pursuing a relationship with me... The only problem I have now is managing my time.

Ryan G.
Mount Annan, Australia

Two words - thank you!  After listening to your Men's Mastery Series I have been observing all of my interactions with women, and taking action.  Upon catching a bus from the airport to my apartment in Copacabana in Rio de Janeiro tonight, I finally approached and asked a beautiful woman (who just so happened to be the same woman who was sitting next to me on the plane) if she was coming back from a vacation.

Long story short - I used one of your techniques and after 45 minutes of great conversation on the bus I got her number.  So get this, it turns out she is an aspiring actress!  Yes, that's right.

You have "awoken the giant within" and I feel so much more confident.  She is the fourth woman I've closed here in Brazil.  It is all about making it happen!!!

Antonio R.
Sao Paulo, Brazil

I have studied what you have said, in your Men's Mastery Series and other resources; and, that message of having a "clear vision" really comes through. I have to say that my life has changed... NO! I have changed it, because I have a clear vision.

As I look back on it now, I realize that the main reason for past relationships not working was my own lack of confidence, which spawned from a murky vision. Now, at 23 years of age, through use of David'sMen's Mastery Series I have developed a very clear vision for what I really want out of life. I now create my own life, run a small talent management company in Los Angeles and have genuine love in my life; and, Gen and I are very happy. Thanks David!

Joshua J.
Los Angeles, CA

I heard about you through David D. in one of his dating guru cds. I really liked your approach to dealing with women, especially the whole one-on-one thing. Also I like how you like get into a woman's mind and take charge of conversations early on in the game. So I had to order your complete Men's Mastery Series.

Within 24 hours my whole dating life changed. You teach with such passion and you made me believe in myself again.

The way you break down the approaches and how women think really opened my eyes. I am so glad that I found you and your products.

Taha B.
Los Angeles, CA

I have had a few weeks now to put everything on the Men's Mastery Series to work for me, and I assure you it has worked. What I realize now is that when I went out initially it was exclusively with the mindset to pick up women.

The problem was that I was ignoring everyone else in the process. It didn't even occur to me how 2 dimensional I was becoming, everyone wants to be acknowledged and charmed, not just the women that you're attracted to. The advice to assume a position of leadership and confidence with everyone is a brilliant strategy, the dividends have been enormous for me personally and academically. My friendships have become more rewarding as a result and I am now dating an incredible girl I met in my Therapeutic Touch class.

David's Men's Mastery Series has been an excellent tool to augment my social repertoire and has brought me immense rewards with the opposite sex and want to thank you for putting out such a comprehensive product. You are doing the world a tremendous service!

Brendan C.
Idledale, CO

I'm just finishing the Men's Mastery Series and I went to a party and had an amazing conversation with a tall hot 20 year old blonde (I'm 22). It started with me teasing her and we called each other out on a few things, but by the end of the night she told me how much she liked me and was introducing me to her friends. Then I met a girl on the bus who works at a Starbucks a block away from my office. Guess who is going for free coffee tomorrow morning?

My blackberry is buzzing off the hook. Invites to parties, friends trying to set me up with hotties, dates this week, and even an old friend who I've been chasing for years is finally coming after me. Best of all, school hasn't even started yet!

I seriously went from a 3-year dry spell without a single date to kissing a girl I would normally write off as she's completely out of my league. If those aren't results, I don't know what are.

Your Men's Mastery Series will end up being one of the best investments I ever made. I'm done gushing, I swear.

Randy S.
Quebec, Canada

I just wanted to thank you so much for opening my eyes to the concept of 'living in the moment" on the Men's Mastery Series. It's really helping me these days through my dad's stay at Hospice, and stupid little things like worrying what to say to women, and people in general, is gone. This is also going to play a big role in building my network marketing empire in the future. Funny how one little insight seems to make life sort itself out.

I feel stronger because the real me that I've been holding inside pretty much my whole life is finally starting to come out, and he is a bold & direct ladies man for sure, just like my dad was. Now that I've finally cleaned out all that scientific pickup artist junk from my brain, and am living in the moment, I can just let things flow as I grow. I'm already noticing that people respond to me much more positively now that I'm finally becoming 'myself.

Marko S.
Cleveland, OH

I have to first say that after listening to the Men’s Mastery Series, I’m starting to get consistent results that I’ve never believed possible.

Thanks for putting this program together. Many years of poor results with women has caused me a lot of pain and I’m grateful that you’ve shown me an honest and ethical way to succeed with the opposite sex.

Sean P.
Boston, MA

I've now listened to your Men's Mastery Series four times and it had greatly improved my social skills with women of all types.

I realized this when I managed to talk to SEVEN different women in ONE bar on a night out. My colleagues branded me "The Monster" because I was with another women each time they turned around. Thank you David.

Kai T.
West Mids, UK

Hey David, I just wanted to say thanks for helping to improve my life. Not just in dating, but as a human being. I saw an article you wrote a couple of years ago on Yahoo, when I was going through a tough break up and dealing with social anxiety.

After I read the article I checked you out and liked your style. That Christmas I received your Men's Mastery Series as a gift and it helped me a ton in approaching girls AND in self confidence.

Listening to your Men's Mastery Series was an awakening to me about how a shift in my mindset can change my life and how the Law of Attraction works. Since then I have felt more peace in my life, and I have met amazing people.

I just wanted to say thanks helping me realize my potential. I guess you never know how you can effect someone's life. Just keep doing what you're doing!

Justin H.
Orlando, FL

What’s The Worst-Case Scenario?

You might learn some key insights into the mind of a woman?

You might learn one or two new techniques that help you connect better with women you meet?

You might learn a couple key insights into YOURSELF and what makes you tick...

Hmmm...Are those really downsides?

Now Consider the BEST-Case Scenario...

  • You cultivate the kind of effortless, real inner confidence you've always wanted to have that allows you to enjoyably connect with anyone, anywhere ... including with any woman you most desire.
  • You learn how to identify and breakthrough once and for all... Each and every fear and excuse that have held you back and frustrated you in your dating life.
  • You learn to become a master communicator who can create attraction and desire for you everywhere you go.
  • You learn to create the kind of lifestyle for yourself that you've always dreamed of, and enjoy your life at a level you never believed possible.
  • You never again chase a woman, and begin attracting the women you most want to attract.
  • You have more dates than you have time to go on, and with the kind of women you most desire.
  • Should I continue....this could be a VERY long list! (this is just the tip of the iceberg here...)

Isn’t Your Life Worth Investing In?

Especially when you have NOTHING to risk by giving this a try.

My 100% confidence in this program is incorporated into my "Industry BEST" 60- Day ‘Get MORE Dates’ Guarantee after all.

Can you honestly afford NOT to see if this product can totally transform your dating life? Don’t wait – take decisive action TODAY!

Don’t suffer through one more day being dissatisfied with your dating life.

Don’t suffer through even one more bad date or bad relationship.

Don’t spend one more day attracting and dating the WRONG girls.

Take control! No more excuses!

Let me show you how what might seem like a "dream life" can be YOUR life starting right now!

Just $169.97 for a Limited Time!


To Unleashing Your Ultimate Self —


David Wygant

The World's Leading Authority on Life, Relationships & Personal Transformation