How to Unlock Her Secret Attraction Code & Become The ONLY Man She Desires — Instantly!
What if the world’s most beautiful women gave YOU access to their private thoughts… and gave you the cheat sheet to ATTRACT & SEDUCE them?
And what if you knew how to press a woman’s hidden emotional hot buttons and flip her erotic switches…
Giving you and only you access to unleash her inner naughty girl, without even touching her…
Making her sexually addicted to you... and ONLY you?
Read this short letter all the way until the end and you will discover not only what women secretly want sexually (what they would NEVER tell you!), but also:
- How they want to be approached...
- How to NEVER get rejected by a woman again...
- And how to steer clear of the dreaded "friend-zone" for GOOD!
The Secrets of the Female Mind Have FINALLY Been Exposed — On Camera!
You see, this is your problem now (and if what I'm about to say doesn't ring true for you, you can stop reading this letter immediately).
You don't know how the female mind works.
It's a complete mystery to you. If you're like most guys, you'd probably have better luck deciphering ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.
Think about it... if you really knew EXACTLY what women wanted, what they were thinking, would you...
- Have ANY anxiety about approaching them?
- Wonder how to start a conversation with them, or "what to say next?"
- Spend any time worrying what, when or how to call them, text them, or talk to them?
ABSOLUTELY NOT. If you had a "cheat sheet" that gave you the EXACT play-by-play on EVERYTHING you've ever wondered about women — from attraction to dating and sex — you'd be THE MAN.
You'd be able to have any woman you wanted.
You'd be able to fearlessly walk up to a group of women and leave with 10 phone numbers.
You'd be the man every woman desires sexually and romantically.
If only such a "cheat sheet" existed, right?
It's Finally Here — the BLUEPRINT for Cracking the Female Code!
Now, what if I told you that such a "cheat sheet" did exist?
It's in right here...
You see, I've gathered some of the most attractive women in a single video series...
And I've interviewed them on ALL of the questions you NEED to know the answers to.
Because once you hear the truth about what women desire — EXPOSED ON CAMERA by the very women you dream about! — your life will never be the same.
Anxiety? GONE.
Insecurity? GONE.
Fear? GONE.
It's time you finally saw it for yourself...
TRUE CONFESSIONS: Secrets of the Female Mind
The Secrets of Sex, Attraction & Success With Women — Exposed on Camera By the Very Women You Dream About!

Just $385
Now $77 for a LIMITED TIME!
About David Wygant
As Featured In:

World-Renowned Dating Coach, Social Strategist & Life Changer
1.7 million men & women come to me every month to find the secrets to success. And after 20 years of coaching, I’ve discovered the golden keys to success in dating, business, health and wellness, and life.
And you want to know something? I F*CKING LOVE what I do. I get to wake up every morning and help guys like you. Help them be the healthiest, wealthiest, most attractive and successful and unstoppable versions of themselves.
I get to go on TV shows and radio shows and podcasts and help people wake the f@*k up & start living their lives to the fullest. See, I LOVE what I do. It brings me joy to be able to inspire and help you create the life you've always wanted to live.

True Confessions is THE blueprint to understanding how women think and feel.
If you knew what women really want, what attracts them, and what flips their attraction switch, you would BECOME BOLD & POWERFUL.
You would never worry about saying the wrong thing, acting the wrong way, or coming off like a creep.
You would stop second-guessing yourself because the very women you desire will have told you everything you need to know about attracting them!
This uncut, nothing-held back video confessional reveals everything you’ve always wanted to know about how to be successful with women.
The radically simple — yet powerful and effective — advice given here is GUARANTEED to deliver success with women, even if:
- You’re introverted or shy
- You have approach anxiety
- You struggle to create chemistry
- You can’t get her phone number for the life of you
- You lack confidence
- You’re ugly, fat, bald, broke…or all of the above!
And now, starting TODAY, I’m giving you the chance to unlock those secrets and gain access to the kind of in-depth knowledge that every man would kill for — the secrets to approaching and attracting women that 99% of men know nothing about!
Here's Just a TASTE of What You'll Find Once You Dive Inside:
- How to read a woman’s body language and thoughts
- How to talk to the women you desire
- What women want to hear when men approach them
- How to give a woman intense orgasms
- How to be the man every woman desires
- The exact words and body languagethat women want to see and hear from you
- How to come across as a confident alpha male rather than a creepy stalker
- The EXACT words she wants to hear, and the body language she wants to see
- The shocking secret signals (unknown to 99% of men) that tell you whether a woman is into you
- How to avoid the single most dangerous mistake men make when trying to attract women
- How to text women & avoid the “crash-and-burn” texting mistake most men make
- How to turn women on within the first 7 seconds of approaching them
- The secrets of producing screams of orgasmic pleasure from women
- What a girl’s favorite place to have sex is (hint: it’s not the bedroom!)
- How and why throwing in the unexpected maximizes your attractiveness
- The unconscious system women use to classify men — which has nothing to do with money or looks.
Here's a Sneak Peak of the Life-Changing Information You'll Find:
Attraction Triggers
Listen to this sexy brunette explain the difference between the "nice guy" and a "bad boy" and which one triggers attraction in EVERY woman he comes across.
Unleash Her Inner Porn Star
Watch Alexa & Jenna reveal how to unleash their inner "bad girl," and the "fun n' filthy" secret to giving them screams of orgasmic pleasure!
What Guys are Saying About True Confessions Right Now:
Plus — Act Now & You'll Get These Exclusive Bonuses:

FREE! Sexual Confessions From A Woman
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Learn exactly what a woman wants, desires, and how she feels - from a woman's own perspective:
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- How to connect emotionally with a woman during a one-night stand to make it an unforgettable experience.
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FREE! Where To Meet The BEST Women... And EXACTLY What To Say
$27 Value
Now that you know how to attract women, you need to know where they are and the best possible places to meet them. Places with virtually no competition! In this bonus you'll learn:
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- How to meet girls online, and how to flirt with them via email and instant messaging…
- The amazing "bait, hook, and release” technique…
- If you do go to bars, here’s the best approach I’ve ever discovered…
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$97 Value
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This is like having me go in and perform surgery on your brain, literally REMOVING the paralyzing fears that freeze you up whenever you see a hot girl you’re dying to talk to... but simply can’t muster up the courage to go over there.
FREE! Escape from the Friend-Zone
$9 Value
Are you tired of being "just friends?" Have you been lusting after a woman friend for weeks (or months), but haven't figured out how to take the next step?
If you're stuck in the dreaded "friend zone," this audio training is for you. You'll learn my step-by-step process for turning a friend into a lover — and stay out of The Friend Zone forever.

FREE! A 10-Day Trial Of The Slight Edge Society (Optional)
Listen, I know you came here to learn about dating. To learn about sex and attracting and approaching the women you desire. But you know what? You can apply these same principles and be successful in so much more than your dating life. I'm talking about TOTAL success in EVERY area of your life. Health. Wealth. Mindset. All of it.
And that's why I created The Slight Edge Society — an exclusive community of likeminded men & women who are dedicated to improving their lives just a little bit each day.
Members of The Slight Edge Society get a ton of amazing bonuses:
With this free bonus, you will be receiving a 10 day free trial to The Slight Edge Society, where you will receive exclusive members-only videos, downloads, and webcast coaching sessions. You can cancel at anytime through our 24-Hour Help Desk. If you decide you want to continue as a subscriber, you will be billed $49.95 every month and continue to receive these AMAZING, exclusive bonuses each month.
This bonus is completely optional and you'll be able to "accept" or "deny" it on the checkout page.
Let Me Show You Everything You Get When You Take Action Today:
True Confessions — 7.5+ Hours of Smokin' Hot Interviews & Insight
Sexual Confessions From A Woman
Where To Meet The BEST Women... And EXACTLY What To Say
How to Overcome Approach Anxiety
Escape From the Friend Zone
Take 60 Days — yep, 2 full months — to implement the strategies and techniques in True Confessions, and if after implementing them* you aren't getting MORE dates in 60 days than you got in the last year, I'll refund every red cent you paid for this product.
Yes, I do mean MORE dates in just 2 months than you've had in the entire year before... and that's what I'm 100% confident you will experience this once you utilize the techniques I teach you!
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*Because this is an "action-based" guarantee, to request a refund simply send me an email telling me which technique(s) you implemented and describe what happened that left you unsatisfied. I do this simply to protect myself from the 1% of you out there who are dishonest and are trying to scam me. For the rest of you, trust me, once you go through this product and change your life, the only thing you'll be thinking about is why you didn't find this sooner...
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For a one-time payment of just $77, you can get immediate online access to True Confessions (PLUS the bonuses) RIGHT NOW!
But why? What's the catch?
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- But MOST importantly, this is a LIMITED-TIME PRE-SALE SPECIAL. And the price you see is only valid for a short time. I do this out of fairness to the men who take action during that time, but also to filter out the action-takers from the guys who will sit on this content, do nothing, learn nothing, and then demand a refund.
Until now, this exclusive content has only been available to my bootcamp clients and $10,000-paying coaching clients. And once the sale is over, it's over. This program will be GONE FOREVER.
True Confessions is a MUST-HAVE for You If...
- You are sick and tired of being frustrated and lonely...
- You feel like your efforts with women are you getting you absolutely nowhere...
- But, if you knew what all women secretly desired, what they’re looking for in a man, it'd be like having SUPERPOWERS...
- And, if you knew what her deepest sexual and primal desires were, the women you desire would be falling ALL OVER you...
...but, with that being said, I have to be honest with you and tell you what True Confessions is NOT:
- True Confessions IS NOT a "magic line-by-line" pickup line ebook
- True Confessions IS NOT a "pickup artist" program that's going to teach you to be dishonest or fake confidence with women
- True Confessions IS NOT going to help you meet women by hiding behind your computer 24/7
This is the result of years of in-field experience, as well as THOUSANDS of interviews with beautiful women who confess on camera EVERYTHING they wish men knew about what they secretly desire.
True Confessions is a proven blueprint for attracting the most beautiful women because it’s made of REAL advice by the beautiful women themselves. Confessing on camera what they want you to do and say to them, they give you EVERYTHING you need to make rejection and approach anxiety a thing of the past.
So, if you’re at your wit’s end, if you’re about to give up on attracting high-quality women, if you think you’ve tried “every trick in the book”…
Here's What to Do Next:
Click below and you'll join the EXCLUSIVE club of action-taking men who have access to this game-changing material...
...the secrets of attracting and sexually pleasing the world's sexiest women (as revealed by these very women themselves!)
Think about it like this...
The worst-case scenario is, if you buy True Confessions and you’re not satisfied with your progress with women, you’ll receive an unconditional refund.
That's it. No harm done.
But the best case? Well... you'll get:
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The decision's easy, my man. All you need is the will to act.
I'll see you inside.
Just $385
Now $77 for a LIMITED TIME!

To Your Dating & Sexual Success —