What can I do to make you happy?
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
What I’m about to tell you is a mantra that all of you need to use every day in all of your relationships.
It’s going to take dropping your ego.
It’s going to take dropping the “what about me” narcissistic behavior that many of us have.
It’s going to take you not worrying about what you’re going to get.
Everyday I want you to wake up and I want you to say, what can I do to make you happy today?
I want you to do this in every relationship you have.
If it’s a love relationship, I want you to look at your partner in the morning and say:
How can I make you happy today?
Imagine if someone said that to you. Imagine if you were with somebody and they woke up in the morning and said, “Good morning, honey. How can I make you happy today?”
How would you feel?
I want you to feel that right now.
It feels amazing just writing it down. Makes me absolutely feel great.
How can I make you happy today?
That is a beautiful, selfless act.
If you wake up every single morning and look at your partner and say, how can I make you happy today, your partner is going to tell you a few things that will make them happy. They are usually simple, easy things.
And that’s how our love language is fulfilled.
The problem is, a lot of times we wake up in the morning and we wake up in controversy.
We wake up angry.
We wake up not feeling good about the relationship, so in turn, we wake up with the energy of:
How can I drive you crazy today?
How can I trip your life today?
How can I cause conflict in this relationship today?
How can I get what I want today?
And that’s wrong. It’s destructive.
You need to wake up every single morning and look at your relationship as something you can serve every day.
When you serve a relationship and love the person in the relationship, you get through the issues and problems right away.
Aggravation is caused because we are constantly looking at what we’re not getting.
You can use this same mantra with your boss at work.
You can use this same mantra with your employees, if you’ve got people who work for you.
You can use this same mantra with your business.
You can wake up in the morning and say:
How can I make you happy today?
It’s a beautiful, selfless thing and it’s a way of living life with an open heart.
I recently met somebody who told me she had an awesome relationship with her ex, for one reason and one reason only.
She woke up every day thinking of ways that she could serve him.
That, to me, is beautiful.
You may say “then why is she not with him any more?”
The man was selfish. The man wasn’t willing to give back. It’s amazing, but that is all we need to do.
How can I make you happy today?
What a beautiful way to live. You could say it to your children. Your children can learn from you. Your children can learn to wake up and say, “Hi mom, Hi dad, how can I make you happy today?”
I know it sounds crazy. But I just gave you the solution to having an amazing relationship.
How can I make you, my reader, happy today? Well, I just gave you something beautiful to read.
For those of you who are parents, this is what we do with our kids every day. We all know they can drive us nuts, but we see past that and we love them with our whole hearts.
Our partners will drive us nuts as well, but appreciation is far better than ripping them apart.
How can you make them happy today?
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
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Monday, December 14th, 2015