Is love a young person’s game?
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
I got this amazing commercial in my email today, the story of Sara and Juan.
I want you to watch it. I want you to look at the beautiful innocence in that magical moment of boy meeting girl.
The friend of mine who sent it to me said I would cry when I watched the video. Tear up.
I actually did tear up. I started thinking on a much deeper level.
Is love a young person’s game?
Calling it a game is really scary. So let’s say is love a young person’s rite of passage.
Everyday as I look through my inbox, I read emails from people who are over the age of 35. All I hear is heartbreak.
I hear about boy meets girl. Boy pursues girl. Girl shuts down emotionally.
Girl meets boy. Girl falls in love with boy. Boy shuts down emotionally.
Then I read through all the lists of reasons why people shut down. All the fears.
All the stories they keep telling themselves.
Day in and day out my inbox is full of stories. Stories about why people connect and can’t commit. It seems like that’s the norm every single day.
Being in the love business I should be getting emails about people who are 45 years old, falling in love, feeling like a teenager again. But it’s rare that I ever get that story.
I usually get the stories of missed connections.
The stories of emotionally unavailable people.
The stories of all the baggage that people seem to have.
I want you to watch this video. I want you to realize how beautiful the words in the song really are.
The song is Fools Rush In.
In reality, to fall in love you need to be a little foolish, and a little daring. You need to be a little fun.
Fools do rush in because they don’t have a history of disappointments. And that is what robs us of some of the most amazing experiences we can have.
Because of our experiences in life, because of all of our life lessons, we no longer rush in. As a matter of fact, we go into love, or potential love, like we’re going into an ocean full of sharks that are going to eat us up.
We put our little toe in and hope it doesn’t get drenched.
We take another step and then with us, comes a story. A story of why we’re so fearful.
I remember when I was younger I just ran into it. I met somebody, boy meets girl, and I just dove right into it.
I didn’t even think. I didn’t think because I didn’t have a life history of thinking about everything little thing.
All we do now is think. We’re so in our heads. We think and we think and we think about everything.
Somebody comes to us and we think about the meeting and we get triggered. When we get triggered we question everything. We take our time so much nowadays that we don’t even allow ourselves the opportunity to get close to somebody.
This video is so beautiful, so powerful that it opened up my eyes.
You see, I want to be a fool again. I don’t want to have all this wisdom and knowledge.
Weeks ago I wrote about how adults, when they get together, talk about how evolved they are, their stories and what they’ve learned. What they’re really saying to each other is how scared they really are.
When you’re watching this video, when you watch the history of their relationship, you’ll probably realize that it’s been a long time for you since you’ve had that magical moment. Since you’ve let go like that.
It’s pretty amazing. Watch it. Eleven million viewers can’t be wrong.
Check it out. Take a look. And notice that since October 7th, 2015, they’ve had 11 million views.
Do you want to know why? Because we are in a world that’s starving for love.
We are in a world that needs more fools rushing in.
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
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