long distance relationshipsI get emails all the time from women all over the world, who are falling in love with men they’ve never met before. Before you snicker, before you think it’ll never happen to you, read a little further down this article, because if it hasn’t happened to you yet, it will eventually. It will definitely happen if you’re equipped with the same button, which I call, “The Fantasy Button.”

There’s a time in our lives when we get tired of being single. You’ve been out on tons of bad dates and nothing seems to work out. Being single feels like something that is almost insurmountable.

So one night you get on the Internet, and you decide to look out of your area. The second you do that, you open up a vortex, a matrix, a world that you never should’ve participated in. And you’ll discover, men from all over the world will write you a little email saying to you.


You’re cute. I love what you have to say. It’s too bad there’s so much distance between us. If only I lived close by.”

Suddenly you think to yourself, “What the hell. Nothing has worked until now anyway. Maybe I’ll just chat with this guy.”

You start to email guys who live far away because you’ve always had a fantasy about living somewhere different. You start to talk, and it feels great because this mystery man from wherever, can be whoever he wants to.

The thing is, when a guy flirts from a distance the chances are he’s either; a social misfit who hasn’t spent any time working in himself. (He definitely doesn’t have any David Wygant programs). Or he’s a married man looking to have some kind of emotional affair, that could develop into something more.

I see it time and time again. We get caught up in these long distance flings, and the guy knows exactly what to say to keep the fantasy alive. It’s not exactly a Disney fairy tale, but it’s close.

In Disney stories the prince eventually arrives. It doesn’t happen like that in real life. You Skype a bunch of times, your oxytocin is building up, and you start to feel an emotional connection with him. The next thing you know, he’s vanished as quickly as he came into your life.

Either he found another woman nearer to where he lives, or his partner caught him having an emotional affair.There are plenty of men where you live, and I guarantee there are some amazing men who you would truly connect with. Keep your search for love nearer to where you live. Men who flirt from a distance are never going to come and visit you, unless it’s just for sex.

I’m not telling you to stop flirting. I’m not saying long distance relationships never work out. What I will say, is if he doesn’t come and see you within 30 days, then he’s never going to. Let me tell you something about men…

When we’re interested in a woman, we want to see you as quickly as possible. When we’re single, we’re not dating, or living with someone, we will come and see you as soon as possible. The thought of waiting for a woman who’s pushing our buttons drives us crazy.

So unless he comes to visit you right away, I suggest you take your fantasy relationship, and replace it with something more realistic.