The Power Of Now
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
I want you to look around right now. Look around the room where you are. I want you to turn your computer off when you’re done reading and I want you to do this exercise. I want you to look around the room and take in everything around you. Then, write down exactly what you saw.
What are people doing? What computer screens are on around you? Describe where you are physically.
If you’re reading this on the phone, do the same thing. If you’re out and about, I want you to write down exactly what you see around you. Then read what you wrote and look around again. How good are you with details?
I do this exercise all the time at my workshops, and it’s amazing how little people see. Why?
In order to be present you need to turn your mind off and you need to breath in order to be in the moment. What happens when most people do this exercise is their brains are still cranking through the days event and to do lists like…
Did I walk the dog this morning?
Is that girl in the corner going to talk to me?
Why doesn’t she like me?
What should I have for lunch?
Where’s the cheapest gas in town?
Our minds are constantly cranking out thoughts non-stop. It’s like the 405 Freeway in Los Angeles — it’s constant movement, and that’s the biggest problem you have with your brain. When you do the exercise you won’t notice a lot of things. You may have thought the person sitting next to you had on a blue cap when in fact they’re not wearing a cap at all.
Life is all about being present. Everything you do requires you to be present. Why?
Life is happening every single day. In order to make the most of life you need to be present. A present person is a very successful person. A present person is somebody who can go out and flirt with women. They know the right thing to say because they watch life unfold in front of them.
Live your life in slow motion. See things before they happen, by being present. Don’t bury yourself in your cell phone. Have a conversation with another human being instead. A conversation with other people is the key to happiness. Everybody you meet may have a message for you and you can only hear the message if you’re being present.
There’s a great book by Eckhart Tolle about living in the now called, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment. It talks about being present and how these subtle changes can make your life far more fulfilling.
I strongly recommend it to all of my clients. When you watch today’s video, look around and notice all the things around you. What’s above the building in the background?
What does the sign say?
What types of trees are around?
What’s the architecture like?
Start noticing everything in this video, because it’s going to train your brain to be present in everyday life. Once you’re present you start living, experiencing, and changing the way you live your life for the better.
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
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