Stay Motivated-Plus Free Sexual Power Podcast
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
Stay Motivated
By David Wygant
I recently returned from a great six day trip to Hawaii. It was a trip I really needed to just clear my head, have a great time and relax. I took someone very special who means the world to me, and someone who I think is one of the greatest women in the world.
For those of you who know me, you know I’m talking about my ex, Alison, with whom I spent six and a half years. Alison and I are not together as a couple anymore due to my own issues.
You know, in life nobody is perfect or has it together all the time. In a nutshell, though, when Alison and I were together she really wanted to continue our relationship and to build the foundation for a future together with me. During the time I was building my business, however, it was really hard to do that.
There’s something about being a man, having a business and making that business exactly how you want it to be. There is something inside a man that really just aches to be ultra-successful and proud of what he does.
It took a long time to build my business because even though you are an expert at what you do, you still have to build your reputation.
You need to work with clients. You have to research. You’ve got to live it, believe in it, and be that business.
Alison and I had a great time together and a great relationship, but I just wasn’t ready to give her what she wanted. I believe there’s a saying that when you love someone, you have to be willing to let them go.
You can’t keep someone when you can’t give them the love in a relationship that they want and deserve. Thus we separated as a couple.
When Alison and I separated, I realized (and I’ve always known since we broke up), that she is an amazing woman and in fact is amazing in every way.
Now I am ready for that type of relationship and I would love to have that type of relationship with Alison, but she is no longer sure if she wants to have that type of relationship with me.
I’m not trying to dump all of my feelings and the details of my personal life on all of you, but I am telling you all of this because there is a very important lesson I want to share. Just because you’re ready for something with someone doesn’t mean the other person is ready for that at the same moment. Timing is everything when it comes to relationships.
So if someone is worth fighting for, you better fight for them every step of the way. It’s a battle out there to find someone with whom you can really connect and whom you really love. Because meeting the right person is so hard, I tell people all the time to stay focused, stay motivated, and to meet as many people they can.
In order to find the right person for you, you must go through a lot of people. You’ve got to work the numbers.
To find someone spectacular you will have to go through a lot of disappointments, a lot of near hits, and a lot of near misses.
Even if you do find a spectacular someone, if you’re not ready for it then it will not work out and you are going to have to do the whole thing again when you are ready.
Part of what I stress all the time with my clients and with all of you is how important it is to work on yourself. Work on your inner confidence. Work on who you are as a man or as a woman. Work on yourself as a person. What do you want out of life? Who do you want to be, and how do you want to be remembered?
Are you passionate about what you do for a living? If not, that’s going to affect you in all other areas of your life. If you are passionate about what you’re doing but you are not fully successful at it yet, then keep at it.
In order to be able to give to someone else, you must first complete this part of your journey. So now I feel complete. I have everything I want: a great business, great people with whom I work, and a fantastic dog who snores next to me every night.
Now I also want that spectacular person, and it would be nice if that person is Alison because finding someone as special as she is isn’t an easy task.
I’ve dated other people this year and last year, but they just didn’t work out because none of them were grounded, stable or as amazing as I always considered Alison to be. No matter who I was seeing, I always had Alison in the back of my mind.
It’s really interesting what you discover as you’re going through life finding yourself. Sometimes you realize that what you had is exactly what you want . . . but you just weren’t ready for it.
So my advice to all of you today in this blog that is so different than almost every other one I’ve written, is to work on yourself. Become that person you can respect, and others will respect and love you back!
In order to really be a powerful man in all ways you need to lead a woman sexually.
Todays podcast talks all about that.
Have an amazing Friday!
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
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David Wygant
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