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What did today mean to you?
How did today make you feel?
Todays video is all about how I feel about today.
Time for you to become President of your own life!
Nowadays, dating is more competitive than it’s ever been — download this free report to learn 6 proven skills to stand apart & succeed in the modern dating world.
About David
1.7 million men & women come to me every month to find the secrets to success. And after 20 years of coaching, I’ve discovered the golden keys to success in dating, business, health and wellness, and life.
I’ve helped millions of men and women around the globe achieve success in their dating, social and personal lives. I’m also a father to the world’s cutest little girl, and I am an unapologetic man. Some say I’m nuts, others say I’ve changed their life forever. One thing’s for certain: I’ll always give you the truth, whether you can handle it or not. I never sugar coat anything.
Nice is so overrated. I’d prefer brutally honest breakthrough to a “nice” rut any damn day of the week. If you’re the same way, then you've come to the right place.
I want to be Daphne i my next life...
Serious, he is right about Obama will not change anything in your life, but I do think he will be able to inspire a group of who often has used their "race" as a reason for not being able to succeed. That reason is no longer there, there is not a things would be different if only, a stage has been set where one of these big limits we put on our selves were just removed. NO EXCUSES.
Why wait to be happier until you loose weight, get a boy friend, Squirt i think I pee last time...Need big on this one.. you really have to do it now. Being content with whoever you are right now and reconnecting with the inner glow/energy that makes everything else seem trivial.
Awesome video David! I myself originally came to the United States as an immigrant from Ukraine. I am thankful every day for the opportunities and potential I have in my life.
That's cool that you were there for it. To be honest, I thought it would be in the afternoon, didn't bother to check online, and walked into a Bank of America at 9 am to see him with his hand on the Lincoln's bible.
The more people believe in change, the more it starts to happen for everyone. He may not directly change us, but like you David, he is an excellent figurehead for that example. He might f up his entire first three months, but you're right, if we can't feel inspired to change on our own, then what's the point?
I'm not waiting around for a stimulus check. I started a yoga routine today and it feels great.
Good video.
I have already inaugurated my new role as the leader of my own personal free world. Not unlike Idi Amin, I plan on being my own President-for-Life...or depending on your perspective, maybe just my own personal pack leader like Cesar Millan!
I celebrate the periodic change in the Executive Branch of government. No matter what your political persuasion, we should celebrate that we do this without bloodshed like the civilized society that we claim to be, warts notwithstanding.
Someone once said that we should have a revolution every 20 years or so to clean out the graft in government...not a bad idea but a little extreme until you're told that the speaker was Jefferson - Thomas (not George!) Jefferson. Perhaps we need to have a periodic personal revolution to clean out our relationship cobwebs and get out of the rut of doing the same old shit and then wondering what went wrong. Time to have a ball - you choose the type...
Ok now that I came to my senses. Everyone blames President Bush for this mess the economy is in. Well I blame our whole Government. You have a Democratic Congress that every time President Bush did something they would shoot him down. Now that we have a Republican Senate I hope they do the same to President Obama.
As far as the economy goes I pray that President Obama can get us out of this mess. Now I am going to remain silent until the next post. There are some things best left unsaid.
Ok, normally I vote republican, since I'm cuban-american. This time I voted for Obama, because I thought he had his act together.
However, I don't get the big fucking deal about his inauguration hoopla and fat Opra been all over the news. I mean, I think he will be a good president, but he will not be the Michael Jordan of presidents.
Great Video blog David. We all as individuals need to look internally NOT externally for what we want. Wether its change, love, or anything else in our lives. The only constant in our lives is ourselves, and the great thing about this constant, ourselves is that it's actually a variable if we so choose it to be! All we need is to be the best possible "us" that we can be, and that will always be enough.
Sandra is a Republican, what a shock!
The best part of the historic Inauguration was seeing the helicopter take Bush the hell out of there, 8 years was 8 years way too long!
And so, when you judge Bush, just think of one thing....He wanted to privatize Social Security and take all the money and put it in the stock market....Just Brilliant:-)
Ok, don't get me started.
We'll be fine with Obama, I mean, when you hit bottom there is only one way to go:-)
Great video all overall,
Obama is nothing but a puppet to our corporate america. It's a setup game. The only two true american politician I know are "Ralph Nader" and Dr. "Ron Paul." Our media is a joke. All they wanna talk about is Sasha and Malia's Dog. What kind of dog do they like? Rather than talking about the real issues of what's going on in the world right now and how are we going to solve it. :(
Things are gonna get worse.
Dan, you beat me to it. I had a donkey joke ready too.
Tariq, you sound twenty and ready to push it all. Trust me, it gets better as you get older, no matter how bad everyone else might be messing it up.
Do not forget president Obama is 47 years old like David hope am right and to me David is like the Dating expert president !
Obama and David have another thing in common they both inspire me to live like a president
to me also Obama being president opens my eyes and many people's eyes that if you take action and have confidence in putting your great ideas in practise and taking control of your life and doing what it takes to improve every area of you life any thing is possible!!
we all know that no one ever espected ablack presdent would ever become in th US but this did not stop Obama from taking action and partispating in the election and now to day he has made history as the first black presdent
any way i am from Australia and do not live in the US hope all guys the best under the new president
"When you judge Bush, just think of one thing… He wanted to privatize Social Security and take all the money and put it in the stock market."
Actually, this statement is incorrect. Just the thought of "taking all of our Social Security money and putting it in the stock market" is an unrealistic bill that would have never been passed by the legislative branch. That's why George W. Bush's bill was to allow us the option to put "part" of our Social Security money into an "investment" or "retirement" account (e.g. IRA, Roth IRA, etc.), not to "take all the money and put it in the stock market." Why do we need Social Security? You cannot live off of Social Security money. It's just more tax money for the government to take off of our paychecks. By the time the millennium generation retires, the Social Security fund will be depleted. Social Security does not benefit our generation, it benefits the Baby Boomer generation. It may have worked during FDR's "New Deal" era, but Social Security does not help us now.
You have both political parties to blame for the decisions they had made for the economy. Was it not Bill Clinton, who, at the end of his administration, encouraged Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to give more mortgage loans to low-income families? Then you have greedy CEOs and foolish consumers who spend beyond what they earn. The problem is that the government does not enforce accountability with the recipients of their spending and budget.
David is correct, Barack Obama is not the savior. It's foolish to make him out to be the messiah of the United States and the solution to all the problems in this country. Like Obama said in his inauguration speech, it is a new era of responsibility. It's our responsibility to change ourselves first, before we can change others.
Have u noticed that each President went into office young and the same color of hair. But have u noticed that when they leave they are gray haired and old looking. If Obama leaves office without being gray headed I am going to wonder.
Great video. Obama is NOT our savior. I am inspired by the fact that people are joining together in hope. You are right we all need to save ourselves because no one can do it for us. Today was an amazing day in history. My hope is Obama has the ability to bring both parties together to do what is right for this country. I also think we need to focus on the issues at hand and not on the first families future dog or what his wife is wearing.
It's true what David says. Obama can change our environment or our country to be more succesfully, but he can't change our lifes, maybe he can give us chances/opportunities, but the big change is to change yourself. If you have seen the trailer of Notorious (The Movie about Notorious B.I.G.), he does say at the end: Can't change the world unless we change ourselfs.
To Dan:
You make some excellent points. But just a couple of things I would like to comment on:
>>>>>>>>That’s why George W. Bush’s bill was to allow us the option to put “part” of our Social Security money into an “investment” or “retirement” account...
Of course politically he had to start there BUT he is on record saying that people would have a better return on the money if they invested their SS/Med withheld taxes themselves (ok, hold this thought!)
>>>>>>You cannot live off of Social Security money. It’s just more tax money for the government to take off of our paychecks...
That is completely off base. For a substantial portion of our population SS benefits is what allows them to survive! For me of course SS benefits are nothing (I actually do not rely on them when I retire, whatever would come my way would be gravy) but for a good chunk of our population SS benefits is a SAFETY NET from plunging to despair!
I give Bush credit for taking it on! I also hope Obama will also take it on and his inclusiveness may just work instead of the divisiveness Bush was known for.
I am in the financial services business and see first hand the stupid things people do with their money...SS provides a much needed safety net. Colleagues of mine were salivating for the business from Bush's you said, way too many greedy professionals and foolish consumers around.
I stand by my previous statement that the happiest moment of the inauguration was Bush getting into that helicopter and get the hell away:-)
David, awesome message! Our president is there to be a motivator of the people. Not someone to solve our every problem. We all need to be responsible for our lives, how we effect others, our personal happiness. No one else can do that for us. Hopefully this new president will breath some life back into this country and around the world. We are all in this together. It's time to stop seeing people as colors, by economic status, etc. I see Obama as a motivator, a humble man, a thinker, a loving husband and father and to be a very genuine person. Hopefully he will open some doors and help this country get back on it's feet, and we all need to be the best we can be to contribute to the cause.
Dantheoriginal... another great comment and I concure... I was home sick with a nasty cold, trying my best to keep my eyes open and watch Bush get on that helicopter and finally leave. I had my Bushbackwards clock up on the computer to make it all official and mark the moment. Then I took a really good nap. :)
Nice to hear from u again. I know who is in control of my life. Lord Jesus has been for eighteen years and still growing. I am responsible for the actions of my flesh but Lord Jesus is responsible for my spirit.
Obama can't save me for I have to save myself and learn from the experiences in life that teach me each and everyday. All Obama can do is sit in the Oval Office and take care of this country either it be thru his taxes where we are already taxed to death or save this economy. So what can I do is live my life each and every day and take care of things as they happen and live in the present.
To all that are Bush haters guess what when a person is elected President 1/2 the people don't like him anyway. Anyone trust our Government if so u have rock for brains. Look what they did to our ancestors back in twenties and thirties left the American people to starve to death while the Rockefellers, Kennedys and the rest of the politicians and bankers made out like bandits. And if I don't get that comfounded stimulus check I will put ur sweet dear Democratic President down like u put mine down.
Instead of David for President I wonder if he could be Governor of Callie? Hey Arnold (the actor) is one. I bet he beats this one we have here in Tennessee. Democratic Governor Bredesen that took away Tenn Care from the people who needed it.
Sandra: We "Cali"fornians plan to secede from the United States.
Our state alone used to be the fifth largest economy in the world. Then it got moved to eighth place. I cannot say that about us now, since our state plans to give us IOUs for our tax returns.
So, if we secede from all the other 49 states, David can actually be President (of the Republic of California), just as long as I'm made Senator of California. :D
Daniel The Conversationlist
Reach for the stars and follow ur dreams. But here in Tennessee our Governor took away Tenn Care for people who needed help with their Medical benefits so they came up with Amerigroup but there are not any doctors that will accept it though.
Sandra: I'm sorry to hear about your governor's decision on Tenn Care. I think it's best if you move to our overpopulated California. You don't even have to be U.S. citizen or a permanent resident to get our benefits. It's covered by the taxpayers, even though we don't like it. :D
DanTheOriginal: If you live in California, I'm nominating you as our Treasury Secretary.
Daniel The Conversationalist
That sounds like Tennessee I can tell u a lot things they do here. Now they want us to vote for English only in our Metropolitan Government.
Yes Music City USA Davidson County TN which is Nashville TN. I don't know if will effect us here in Cheatham County. I live in Ashland City TN. In Cheatham County our politians think they run the state. Catch my drift Cheatham and Davidson have been fueding for years.
Sandra: So, why not make the change to California? There's not much difference. At least in California, you have a selection of young men to choose from, most who likely have been coached by David himself. :D
Daniel The Conversationalist
Tell u a secret there is one who walks the streets of LA that is a younger version of me. She is married and she happens to be my daughter. I only visited LA one time that was during her marriage. Me my roots are here in Tennesseee. There are times that I may not like this state but I was born and raised here. But I have been out of my own back yard.
Dan The Conversationalist
The night that Obama was elected President. My daughter phoned me and said the blacks were yelling Obama. I told her what u should do is go outside and say the South is going to do it again and she did. I asked her what happened and she said they said she was jealous. Well I said to her as long as they are not burning down the apartment you and your husband live in then don't worry about it. I also told her what she ought to do is get her a Rebel Flag and fly it. Then here in TN I was going down Highway 12 and on the side of the building I saw a Rebel Flag hanging from the roof almost touching the ground.
My heart is here in TN. I have my own reasons I will not leave and several of them is my family and my close male friend. I like Callie but I rather stay here in TN. My daughter wont grow up if I live next door to her. That would make her day just to know that mom is there with her.
I honestly did not care about the inauguration today. It's history, it's this and that...whatever. I am glad he has ideas to change the nation, but I am really glad that I don't have to do the work! I've got my own life to live and my own stuff to take care of. I did get a laugh when I thought that "the mall" in Washington was really a shopping mall. My co-workers decided I am not smarter than a 5th grader. ha ha ha -- it was funny. The thing is that I just don't have an interest in American politics or history so I don't remember that stuff nor do I find it interesting either. I see the importance and the organization of people and learn something from it. So that's what counts, right?
Your video was motivational, David and something I really need to sit down and think about. I think that the first thing I am going to put into action is to find the work I enjoy doing.
>>>>>>>>DanTheOriginal: If you live in California, I’m nominating you as our Treasury Secretary.
I would move there only if I can be Treasury Secretary for life:-) It comes with free health care for life, no?:-)
>>>>>>>>>>Well I said to her as long as they are not burning down the apartment you and your husband live in then don’t worry about it. I also told her what she ought to do is get her a Rebel Flag and fly it. Then here in TN I was going down Highway 12 and on the side of the building I saw a Rebel Flag hanging from the roof almost touching the ground.
never fails to say WTF with Sandra's posts! :-)
Which of the Presidential candidates in recent history got you to think. Got you to examine yourself both conscience and action. Creating the platform for this type of discourse is a beautiful thing. You have so much to thank the Obama team for and do not even know it. I am not American and have followed your countries presidential race for about the past 22 years. David's rant was I am sure heartfelt and nothing happens in a vacuum. The fact that this is even a topic is the gift. What you do with it is up to you.
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